Researching your family tree
I love history, I often wished I had pursued this avenue as a youngster. I adore watching period dramas with all the fabulous costume designs and the rather grand stately homes. […]
The travel bucket list for the over 50s
Travelling in your 50s and beyond can be far superior to travelling in your 20s. Retirement funds can give you a bit more financial stability, allowing you to travel in style and stay where you like - no sleeping in shared dorms or counting out the pennies! I remember one of my first-ever travels abroad with a friend. We planned a six-week (pre-uni) budget, backpacking trip around Australia. Our first mistake - staying with friends and family to begin with. Let's just say we got a little too used to the home comforts! When it was time [...]
Opportunities for volunteering in retirement
It can feel good to lend a helping hand to those that need it. We do this subconsciously through life, often helping family members, neighbours, friends, etc. We’ve also likely been on the receiving end and it has been greatly appreciated. […]
Best of Bray
A short walk to start with… If you fancy a stroll and a bit of time gazing out into the river, about a mile and a half from Ferndale Park, is Summerleaze Footbridge. […]
Downsizing is…making space for spontaneous UK holidays
With all this glorious weather, I was thinking about the importance of being able to drop everything and get out there and enjoy the sunshine. […]
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