Researching your family tree
I love history, I often wished I had pursued this avenue as a youngster. I adore watching period dramas with all the fabulous costume designs and the rather grand stately homes. […]
Yoga into retirement
I’m sure over time you’ve heard of a few yoga poses here and there – like The Mountain, Cat-Cow, Child’s Pose, Downward-Facing Dog… Others of you though, might be…downward facing what now? […]
Upcycling for beginners
Upcycling can be a fun and exciting hobby to get into, even if you’ve never thought about giving it a go before. You don’t need to consider yourself a creative to become hooked. […]
How to get back into fitness now you’ve retired
I’m a little way off retiring but I have big plans for when that day does come. I recently asked my Dad how he was finding retirement and he responded – ‘I don’t know where I found the time to go to work!’ […]
California Country Park
California Country Park is set within a hundred acres of beautiful countryside, around a six-acre lake and is just 15 minutes by car from our very own Blackbushe Park. […]
A day out at Redhill Market
Redhill is an historic market town, just 30 minutes by car from our very own Merrywood Park. I recently took a trip here to visit the local market, that still operates on the High Street. […]
Picnic by the Thames in beautiful Marlow
I recently spent a lovely day in the vibrant Georgian market town of Marlow, in Buckinghamshire. Marlow is only 20 minutes by car from our very own Ferndale Park. […]
Liberty’s Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre
If you’re heading to the South Coast for a few days, a great morning stop off is at Liberty’s Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre, near Ringwood. […]
Royal Logistic Corps Museum
If you have a keen interest in the history of the British Military, then a visit to the Royal Logistic Corps Museum may be worth a trip. […]
South Hill Park Arts Centre
South Hill Park Arts Centre is set in the grounds of the 18th century mansion house in Bracknell. Set up as a registered charity it is home to two theatres, a dance studio, several creative spaces and a cinema . […]
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